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// CChessDoc.cp
// Document methods for a Chess application.
// Copyright © 1993 Steven J. Bushell. All rights reserved.
#include <Global.h>
#include <Commands.h>
#include <CBartender.h>
#include <CDataFile.h>
#include <CDecorator.h>
#include <CDesktop.h>
#include <CError.h>
#include <CPanorama.h>
#include <CScrollPane.h>
#include "CChessDoc.h"
#include <TBUtilities.h>
#include <CWindow.h>
#include <Packages.h>
#include "CBrain.h"
#include "ChessCommands.h"
#include "CChessOptionsDialog.h"
#define WINDChess 500 /* Resource ID for WIND template */
extern CApplication *gApplication; /* The application */
extern CBartender *gBartender; /* The menu handling object */
extern CDecorator *gDecorator; /* Window dressing object */
extern CDesktop *gDesktop; /* The enclosure for all windows */
extern CBureaucrat *gGopher; /* The current boss in the chain of command */
extern OSType gSignature; /* The application's signature */
extern CError *gError; /* The global error handler */
extern CBrain *gBrain;
void DoAboutChessBox(void);
* IChessDoc
* This is your document's initialization method.
* If your document has its own instance variables, initialize
* them here.
* The least you need to do is invoke the default method.
void CChessDoc::IChessDoc(CApplication *aSupervisor, Boolean printable)
CDocument::IDocument(aSupervisor, printable);
// Create the global brain, your virtual opponent
gBrain = new CBrain;
// We initially don't have a file associated with the board
itsFile = NULL;
* Dispose
* This is your document's destruction method.
* If you allocated memory in your initialization method
* or opened temporary files, this is the place to release them.
* Be sure to call the default method!
void CChessDoc::Dispose()
* DoCommand
* This is the heart of your document.
* In this method, you handle all the commands your document
* deals with.
* Be sure to call the default method to handle the standard
* document commands: cmdClose, cmdSave, cmdSaveAs, cmdRevert,
* cmdPageSetup, cmdPrint, and cmdUndo. To change the way these
* commands are handled, override the appropriate methods instead
* of handling them here.
void CChessDoc::DoCommand(long theCommand)
switch (theCommand) {
case cmdSwapPlayers:
gBrain->abortMove = true;
case cmdStopThinking:
gBrain->isThinking = false;
case cmdOptions:
* UpdateMenus
* In this method you can enable menu commands that apply when
* your document is active.
* Be sure to call the inherited method to get the default behavior.
* The inherited method enables these commands: cmdClose, cmdSaveAs,
* cmdSave, cmdRevert, cmdPageSetup, cmdPrint, cmdUndo.
void CChessDoc::UpdateMenus()
// If a chess board is already open, we don't want to
// be able to open or create a new one
* NewFile
* When the user chooses New from the File menu, the CreateDocument()
* method in your Application class will send a newly created document
* this message. This method needs to create a new window, ready to
* work on a new document.
* Since this method and the OpenFile() method share the code for creating
* the window, you should use an auxiliary window-building method.
void CChessDoc::NewFile(void)
Str255 wTitle; /* Window title string. */
short wCount; /* Index number of new window. */
Str255 wNumber; /* Index number as a string. */
** BuildWindow() is the method that
** does the work of creating a window.
** Its parameter should be the data that
** you want to display in the window.
** Since this is a new window, there's nothing
** to display.
** Append an index number to the
** default name of the window.
** Send the window a Select() message to make
** it the active window.
* OpenFile
* When the user chooses Open… from the File menu, the OpenDocument()
* method in your Application class will let the user choose a file
* and then send a newly created document this message. The information
* about the file is in the SFReply record.
* In this method, you need to open the file and display its contents
* in a window. This method uses the auxiliary window-building method.
void CChessDoc::OpenFile(SFReply *macSFReply)
CDataFile *theFile;
Handle theData = NULL;
Str63 theName;
OSErr theError;
** Create a file and send it a SFSpecify()
** message to set up the name, volume, and
** directory.
theFile = new(CDataFile);
** Be sure to set the instance variable
** so other methods can use the file if they
** need to. This is especially important if
** you leave the file open in this method.
** If you close the file after reading it, you
** should be sure to set itsFile to NULL.
itsFile = theFile;
** Send the file an Open() message to
** open it. You can use the ReadSome() or
** ReadAll() methods to get the contents of the file.
** Make sure that the memory request to read
** the data from the file doesn't use up any
** of our rainy day fund and that the GrowMemory()
** method (in the application) knows that it's OK
** if we couldn't get enough memory.
theData = theFile->ReadAll(); /* ReadAll() creates the handle */
** In your application, you'll probably store
** the data in some form as an instance variable
** in your document class. For this example, there's
** no need to save it, so we'll get rid of it.
theData = NULL;
** In this implementation, we leave the file
** open. You might want to close it after
** you've read in all the data.
itsWindow->Select(); /* Don't forget to make the window active */
* This exception handler will be executed if an exception occurs
* anywhere within the scope of the TRY block above.
* You should perform any cleanup of things that won't be needed
* since the document could not be opened. By convention,
* the creator of an object is responsible for sending it
* the Dispose message. This means that we should only dispose
* of things that would not be taken care of in Dispose.
* In this case, we just make sure that the Handle theData
* has been disposed of. The exception will propagate up to
* CApplications's exception handler, which handles displaying
* an error alert.
if (theData) DisposHandle( theData);
* BuildWindow
* This is the auxiliary window-building method that the
* NewFile() and OpenFile() methods use to create a window.
* In this implementation, the argument is the data to display.
void CChessDoc::BuildWindow (Handle theData)
CPane *thePane;
CChessPane *theMainPane;
Rect tempRect;
itsWindow = new(CWindow);
itsWindow->IWindow(WINDChess, FALSE, gDesktop, this);
theMainPane = new(CChessPane);
theMainPane->IChessPane(itsWindow, this, 0, 0, 0, 0,
itsMainPane = theMainPane;
itsGopher = theMainPane;
theMainPane->FitToEnclosure(TRUE, TRUE);
* DoSave
* This method handles what happens when the user chooses Save from the
* File menu. This method should return TRUE if the file save was successful.
* If there is no file associated with the document, you should send a
* DoSaveFileAs() message.
Boolean CChessDoc::DoSave(void)
** If you closed your file in your NewFile() method,
** you'll need a different way than this to determine
** if there's a file associated with your document.
if (itsFile == NULL)
else {
** In your application, this is where you'd
** write out your file. if you left it open,
** send the WriteSome() or WriteAll() mesages
** to itsFile.
dirty = FALSE; /* Document is no longer dirty */
return(TRUE); /* Save was successful */
* DoSaveAs
* This method handles what happens when the user chooses Save As… from
* File menu. The default DoCommand() method for documents sends a DoSaveFileAs()
* message which displays a standard put file dialog and sends this message.
* The SFReply record contains all the information about the file you're about
* to create.
Boolean CChessDoc::DoSaveAs(SFReply *macSFReply)
** If there's a file associated with this document
** already, close it. The Dispose() method for files
** sends a Close() message to the file before releasing
** its memory.
if (itsFile != NULL)
** Create a new file, and then save it normally.
itsFile = new(CDataFile);
((CDataFile *)itsFile)->IDataFile();
itsFile->CreateNew(gSignature, 'TEXT');
return( DoSave() );
* DoRevert
* If your application supports the Revert command, this method
* should close the current file (without writing anything out)
* and read the last saved version of the file.
void CChessDoc::DoRevert(void)
void CChessDoc::SwapPlayers(void)
CChessBoard *itsChessBoard = ((CChessPane *)itsMainPane)->itsChessBoard;
if (gBrain->isBrainsMove)
gBrain->isBrainsMove = false;
gBrain->isThinking = false;
itsChessBoard->myColor = itsChessBoard->theOtherPlayersColor;
if (itsChessBoard->myColor == White)
itsChessBoard->theOtherPlayersColor = Black;
itsChessBoard->theOtherPlayersColor = White;
void CChessDoc::DoChessOptionsDialog(void)
CChessOptionsDialog *theOptionsDialog;
theOptionsDialog = new CChessOptionsDialog;
ParamText("\pSteven Bushell","\pSteven Bushell",NULL,NULL);
void CChessDoc::ProviderChanged( CCollaborator *aProvider, long reason, void* info)
if (member( aProvider, CBureaucrat) && (reason == bureaucratIsGopher))
if (member( aProvider, CBrain))
{ // If the Brain is thinking, we don't want the user
// interrupting with anything but StopThinking
else if (member( aProvider, CChessPane))
inherited::ProviderChanged( aProvider, reason, info);
} /* CDirector::ProviderChanged */